by Oliver
3. November 2014 09:16
It's been an impressive year so far in the realms of software development and deployment, especially with
Now, it took me a while to understand that we're witnesses of nothing less than a revolution in software development.
The Vision: Build Your App Anywhere, Bundle It, and Run It Anywhere (Else)
The clouds have been with us for a couple of years now and have started to provide real benefit beyond "moving your stuff to somewhere else". What's emerging now, with Docker and also the new ASP.NET runtime bundling, is something completely new: Application Containers. They don't have either specific OS requirements – Docker will be supported natively on Windows Server soon, ASP.NET runs on Linux today – nor need they a specific technology stack installed on the target machine (as with PaaS) because they bring all of the necessary runtime along. But they're also not large VMs bundled with your application, which carry a significant maintenance overhead (when using IaaS). Virtualized application containers are the sweet spot between IaaS and PaaS. Go ahead and read that post – it's eye-opening.