Asynchronously posting back a form by hitting the Enter key – in ASP.NET WebForms using jQuery

by Oliver 2. August 2012 15:19

On Camping.Info, we lately had a user report that hitting the enter key while in the login form one would be redirected to the search page instead of being logged in. This happened when the focus was still on the password text box because the “Search” button on the page was the first input element on the page (inside the single <form> element that WebForms allows for) of type submit which would by default handle the enter key press event. To improve the user experience, we set out to find a way to postback the correct UpdatePanel – the one which currently has the focus (or one of its child controls). Using an ASP.NET Panel and the DefaultButton property There is a built-in solution to this problem if you’re willing to slightly change your markup and add a hidden <asp:Button> element to your part of the page you want to asynchronously update. You need to wrap your existing html into an <asp:Panel> element and set its DefaultButton property to the ID of that hidden button. This would look something like this: 1: <div class="form21"> 2: <asp:Panel runat="server" DefaultButton="btnHiddenRegister"> 3: <asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server" /> 4: <asp:TextBox ID="txtPassword" runat="server" TextMode="Password" /> 5: <asp:LinkButton ID="btnRegister" runat="server">Register</asp:LinkButton> 6: <asp:Button ID="btnHiddenRegister" runat="server"style="display:none" /> 7: </asp:Panel> 8: </div> Of course, you need to hook up the code-behind Click handler for the btnRegister LinkButton to the hidden Button element as well to make this work. The proposed solution will instead have html like the following: 1: <div class="form21 jq-form"> 2: <asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server" /> 3: <asp:TextBox ID="txtPassword" runat="server" TextMode="Password" /> 4: <asp:LinkButton ID="btnRegister" runat="server" CssClass="jq-form-submit">Register</asp:LinkButton> 5: </div> Let’s see how we get this to work. Using jQuery On, I quickly found this post about a jQuery replacement for DefaultButton or Link where the this answer points to the original solution from March 2009 proposed by this post on fixing the enter key in ASP.NET with jQuery. I’ve improved on the proposed answer in a few ways, so this is what this post is about. The original solution 1: $(document).ready(function(){ 2: var $btn = $('.form_submit'); 3: var $form = $btn.parents('.form'); 4: 5: $form.keypress(function(e){ 6: if (e.which == 13 && != 'textarea') { 7: if ($btn[0].type == 'submit') 8: $btn[0].click(); 9: else 10: eval($btn[0].href); 11: return false; 12: } 13: }); 14: }); Remarks: works only if the content is present at the time the script executes, and works only for a single pair of form and form-submit elements. Our improved solution 1: $('body') 2: .off('keypress.enter') 3: .on('keypress.enter', function (e) { 4: if (e.which == 13 && != 'textarea') { 5: var $btn = $('.jq-form').find('.jq-form-submit'); 6: if ($btn.length > 0) { 7: if ($btn[0].type == 'submit') { 8: $btn[0].click(); 9: } 10: else { 11: eval($btn[0].href); 12: } 13: return false; 14: } 15: } 16: }); Improvements The first thing to improve is the registration of the keypress event handler. Since Camping.Info is quite a dynamic site with lots of asynchronous postbacks to the server (mostly using WebForms’ UpdatePanels) a lot of the javascript code we need on our page won’t execute properly as is because it expects the elements it works with to be present at the time of the script’s execution. That’s also the case with the original solution: both the submit button element with class .form_submit and the pseudo-form element .form (I’ve called it pseudo-form element since it’s just a parent element of any type marked with the class .form) must be present when the script executes, otherwise nothing will happen. That’s why – using jQuery 1.7 syntax – we register the keypress event handler NOT on the pseudo-form element but directly on the body using on(). We also the event namespace it by appending .enter to its name keypress so that we can safely remove it (using off()) in case we call the script a second time during postback to prevent it from being attached twice. Please note, that at this point neither the pseudo-form nor the form submit element must be present on the page for this to work. Once the enter key has been pressed anywhere on the page and we’re inside the event handler, we set out to check for a pseudo-form surrounding the element that received the enter key press event and inside it we look for a submit element. [I’ve also changed the class names for those elements by our internal convention to prefix all those that are jQuery related by jq- to set them apart from the CSS class names our designer works with.] Only if we’ve found both those elements, we proceed with either clicking the element if it’s really a button or executing the javascript code that ASP.NET rendered into our LinkButton’s href tag which asynchronously posts back to the server for some update to our page. A subtle but important detail here is to return false (and thus prevent the event from being processed any further) only in case we actually found the pseudo-form and submit elements, so that in the opposite case the default behavior of the page will be preserved. Conclusion The solution presented here works equally well with static and dynamically loaded page content and for any number of forms on your page. It replaces the solution provided by ASP.NET WebForms’ using a Panel and its DefaultButton property, resulting also in cleaner markup. Happy Coding!

A jQuery based tooltip solution for a large web application

by Oliver 13. March 2012 01:37

Finally, with an update we rolled out last week, (almost) all tooltips on Camping.Info look and behave similar, differing mostly in positioning and size, but not in the general look and feel. We chose the jQuery Tools Tooltip as the base for our own solution and it got us pretty far, but there were some pitfalls and scenarios that we needed to handle ourselves. This post is about what limitations we experienced and how we dealt with them. The original As you can read in the jQuery Tools Tooltip documentation, the tooltip plugin is highly configurable. It can take different elements as the tooltip for any given trigger: the value of title attribute of the trigger element the html element immediately following the trigger the html element immediately following the first parent of the trigger an arbitrary html element on the page. You can also position the tooltip pretty much wherever you want relatively to the trigger: Our adaptations Another way to chose the tooltip We found one more useful way to define the tooltip for a trigger element: if the trigger is e.g. a table cell in an html table and you don’t want to specify a static tooltip for some or all table cells but a different one for each cell or at least a number of cells, it makes sense to define the tooltip element inside the trigger (the table cell). Since this effect was not achievable extending the jQuery Tools Tooltip plugin we started changing their source: Breaking the tooltip out of some parent container We also faced some problem properly showing tooltips that needed to “break out” of some bounding box, inside which they were defined (i.e. their html markup). This problem e.g. occurred inside elements with style position: relative, which we have a few of on Camping.Info. Our first attempt was to clone the tooltip element and show the clone instead of the original. This worked in almost all cases – until we tried to attach some more behavior to elements inside the tooltip. The behavior, e.g. some click event handler that we expected to fire when clicking on some element inside the tooltip, wouldn’t execute, since we were working with the clone! So we decided to simply move the tooltip up in the DOM tree for the time it is being shown, more precisely just beneath the form tag that we have on all our pages. We create a placeholder at the place where we removed the tooltip to reinsert it again once it’s being hidden. The code we added to the show() method looks like this: … and here’s the counterpart in hide(): Now, this works quite well everywhere, independent of the position of the tooltip in the DOM tree. Global tooltip configuration Using inline static configuration One feature we quickly missed was some kind of static tooltip configuration without calling  $(...).tooltip({ settings: ... }) for every single tooltip we wanted to create or hook up, respectively. What we came up with is to use the HTML5 data attributes to define any specific configuration statically inside the trigger element’s html markup. Thus, we need to call the tooltip initialization code only once for the whole page. The configuration now looks like this: We use specific prefixes with the data attributes to make them easier to understand, e.g. data-tt-position for an attribute that is used for tooltips and jq-tt-trigger for a class that is used by some jQuery code for tooltips. To process this kind of static configuration we need some custom code that will, at some point, call the original (well, modified by now) plugin code. Unfortunately, the jQuery Tools Tooltip plugin was not designed to allow runtime configuration of the tooltip to show, but we found a way using the onBeforeShow and onHide event handlers. The basic idea is to change the global Tooltip configuration during the first method so that the tooltip we will be showing will be configured correctly, and to reset the global configuration once the tooltip has been hidden again. To achieve this, we iterate over all configuration properties that the jQuery Tools Tooltip plugin supports and search for the respective data attributes on the currently processes trigger element. One example would be the position property: to replace the default value provided by the plugin we look for an attribute that’s called data-tt-position and use its value to temporarily overwrite the default value during the onBeforeShow event handler. Using global profiles Once we had the static configuration working and started to replace all of those clumsy and overly complicated AjaxControlToolkit HoverMenuExtenders, it quickly turned out that we were copy’n’pasting the same configuration in a thousand places. This was not only ugly and violated the DRY principle, it also lead to some unnecessarily bloated html. As a solution to this maintenance nightmare we came up with profiles that comprise a set of configuration options that would else be repeated over and over again: Now, they lead to some really clean html markup: The only change from using the inline static configuration is to use the profile’s properties – everything else stays the same! Conclusion The jQuery Tools Tooltip plugin is a nice, small and highly configurable tool for easy tooltip creation and usage. In a larger web application there a few shortcomings that we’ve addressed here and which we’ve provided working solutions for. We hope to release those changes soon in its own project on our GitHub account. Happy coding!

Orchard and Lucene: getting started with custom search – problems with booleans

by Oliver 12. September 2011 01:46

Update: I filed a bug in the Orchard issue tracker and it’s already been fixed. Nice work! We’ve just started to build our own customized search module. The goal is to have checkboxes for all searchable boolean properties of a given ContentPart and search by checking or unchecking them. In Orchard, one can add contents to the search index using the following code (this is an example for adding a boolean): 1: public class MyPartHandler : ContentHandler 2: { 3: public MyPartHandler(IRepository<MyPartRecord> repository) 4: { 5: Filters.Add(StorageFilter.For(repository)); 6:  7: OnIndexing<MyPart>( 8: (context, myPart) => context.DocumentIndex 9: .Add("DogsAllowed", myPart.DogsAllowed == true ? "true" : "false").Store()); 10: } 11: } Now, when a user checks the checkbox for “DogsAllowed” we want to ask the search index for all documents (Lucene term for what I would call an entity) with the DogsAllowed property set to true. The way we would do that is something along the following lines: 1: ... 2: var searchBuilder = _indexProvider().CreateSearchBuilder("Search") 3: searchBuilder.WithField("DogsAllowed", true); 4: ... The problem with this is: it gives me zero results! Of course, to get something into the index you have to go and save some document/entity for the OnIndexing handler to run, but I’d done that. Somehow I had the feeling that my search was not doing what it was supposed to… So I wanted to know more about the index Lucene had generated so far. Searching for lucene index visualizer lead me to Luke, the Lucene index toolbox which I downloaded v of because it was built against Lucene 2.9.1 and in Orchard the Lucene.NET version is only 2.9.2. Maybe a newer version would have also worked but I got what I wanted anyways. After providing the path to the index files, Luke showed me some interesting stuff, among other things that the boolean was stored as string “True” (mind the upper case!): This behavior is actually no surprise when we look at the source code for the Add(string name, bool value) method, it just calls the Add(string name, string value) method with the bool converted to a string: 1: public IDocumentIndex Add(string name, bool value) { 2: return Add(name, value.ToString()); 3: } It’s good to know that true.ToString() == “True” btw. So, now when I search inside Luke using the query DogsAllowed:True I do get a result – but using DogsAllowed:true I don’t! (The syntax for searches is field:value.)                So now, why does my search (in Orchard) for all documents that have the DogsAllowed property set to true return no results when there obviously is a document in the index with exactly that? Well, let’s look at the implementation of .WithField(): 1: public ISearchBuilder WithField(string field, bool value) { 2: CreatePendingClause(); 3: _query = new TermQuery(new Term(field, value.ToString().ToLower())); 4: return this; 5: } When I debugged through the search I saw that all of a sudden we were searching for DogsAllowed==true instead of True which to Lucene are two completely different things (at least in this scenario). Actually, turning on logging for the Lucene.Services namespace, we get some debug logging telling us what the search is currently looking for: 1: 2011-09-10 00:44:33,026 [6] Lucene.Services.LuceneIndexProvider - Searching: DogsAllowed:true* Now I’m not surprised anymore that I’m not getting any results! This is obviously a bug in Orchard’s Lucene module, but for now I can easily get around it using simply passing the lower case strings to the Add() method myself like this: 1: OnIndexing<MyPart>( 2: (context, myPart) => context.DocumentIndex 3: .Add("DogsAllowed", myPart.DogsAllowed == true ? "true" : "false").Store()); Happy coding!

Orchard CMS: module settings not visible in Admin area? is the key!

by Oliver 9. September 2011 22:29

Today I went off to create a custom search module for our new Orchard based web application. I simply copied the module Orchard.Search, renamed all namespaces and such to Teamaton.Search, replaced some strings and prepended a prefix of “Teamaton” to a bunch of them. I wanted the new module to be able to run side-by-side with the original Orchard.Search module to make sure I had an independent implementation and there wouldn’t be any conflicts in case the Orchard.Search module is already installed somewhere. A problem I ran into quite quickly was that I wouldn’t see any of the search index’s fields on the Admin page for the new module (to the right you see the settings in the original Search module which is what I expect to see on the left as well):             Searching the discussions on Orchard’s codeplex site, I found this very helpful post on Module site settings not showing up which promised to be the key to my problem. During the initial string replacement orgy, in SearchSettingsPartDriver I had changed return ContentShape(…).OnGroup(“search”) to return ContentShape(…).OnGroup(“TeamatonSearch”). Now, this wasn’t in sync anymore with the Group Id specified inside the SearchSettingsPartHandler, but it should be (as the mentioned post suggests). So I changed that to match the Group “TeamatonSearch” like so: 1: protected override void GetItemMetadata(GetContentItemMetadataContext context) { 2: if (context.ContentItem.ContentType != "Site") { 3: return; 4: } 5: base.GetItemMetadata(context); 6: context.Metadata.EditorGroupInfo.Add(new GroupInfo(T("TeamatonSearch"))); 7: } Unfortunately, it still did not work. Frustration. Another post on the discussion list led me to believe it was a problem with my Copy’n’Paste. There, piedone states: One remarkable point is a name clashing with content parts: there can't be content parts with the same name in different modules as this leads to problems with schema creation and also when selecting them in them admin menus (because then their displayed name is also the same). This somehow made sense to me, so I went and prefixed the part type name with Teamaton. When that didn’t work I also prefixed all properties of all ContentParts and Records because I remembered that I’d encountered a similar problem before when building our Google Maps module which, contained the same Latitude and Longitude property names that another ContentPart had already defined. But still: to no avail. Desperation. In the first post mentioned above, Bertrand Le Roy also states: I have been in that exact situation. This is probably an error getting swallowed somewhere. […] In my case, it was the feature not enabling all the classes I needed, in particular the record, and the system couldn't find how to map database records. So I went to the Orchard console … feature disable Teamaton.Search … feature enable Teamaton.Search … still nothing. Next it hit me like a sledge hammer – Migrations.cs! I hadn’t taken a single look at the persistence mapping for the SettingPartRecord! Well, turns out there was something wrong in there, but only since after I prefixed both parts and properties because now they wouldn’t match the strings in Migrations.cs anymore (a good example where magic strings break stuff). Kind of helpless, I launched NHProf to look at the database calls that were being made and saw that there weren’t any for the Teamaton.Search module – but for the Orchard.Search module there were … hm. I scanned through the project files again – and stared at, another file I hadn’t touched since copying the original Search module. Bingo! This was the root of all evil or rather of the search fields not displaying. It looked like this: 1: <Placement> 2: <Place Parts_Search_SiteSettings="Content:1"/> 3: <Place Parts_Search_SearchForm="Content:1"/> 4: </Placement> The problem with it was that I had renamed all the view files and prepended a prefix to them! So the correct version should look like this: 1: <Placement> 2: <Place Parts_TeamatonSearch_SiteSettings="Content:1"/> 3: <Place Parts_TeamatonSearch_SearchForm="Content:1"/> 4: </Placement> That’s because the views are named TeamatonSearch.SiteSettings.cshtml and TeamatonSearch.SearchForm.cshtml and are both placed inside a Parts folder: And now I saw the search fields even for our own new search module. Lesson learned If you can’t see something check the  if you (accidentally) haven’t forgot to make that something visible And if you still can’t see it – double check! Happy coding!

Rendering problem with flot 0.7 and excanvas in IE8

by Oliver 8. September 2011 02:41

On, we use flot 0.7 with jQuery and asynchronous updates for internal click statistics visualization. Unfortunately, we’ve been having some trouble with our flot graph – but only in IE8 and only sometimes! This has been really annoying, especially since we’re expecting a usage growth of this graph and IE8 has a user share of 25%. The problem is that after fetching the graph data from the server the graph sometime won’t appear on the canvas, although it seems to be there as the yellow tooltip suggests when hovering over the graph line. The graph looks like this (broken vs. intact):                      We were (are?) having a hard time reproducing this bug on our staging system but it would appear from time to time. On our live system we would get it quite often, although a page refresh often helped. Searching the web for flot+IE8 you’ll get a few results most of which point to the “flot-graphs” Google Group. A search on led me to an interesting post called IE8 is sometimes displaying my page correctly, sometimes not, which seemed interesting enough to check out. There, they talk about a problem with the  display:inline-block  CSS rule and that it is error-prone in IE<=8. So I checked the source of excanvas.min.js which is responsible for providing a canvas element to flot in IE browsers below version 9, and sure enough I found this: 1: a.cssText="canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px} The fix proposed in this answer was to use zoom:1 to force elements with display:inline-block  to have a layout in IE (if you really want to know what that means, here’s more background info). Well, I tried that – to no avail. The next hint came from a post in the flot-graphs Google Group and proposed using flashcanvas instead of excanvas as the canvas provider for flot. Oh well, we haven’t got anything to lose, right? I replaced the script include and saw – exactly the same thing as before: nothing! (Check out the IE developer toolbar on the right – the you can see the Flash object inside the canvas element that was generated by flashcanvas.) What was left? Oh, I hadn’t tried to check for an updated version of excanvas yet – so I went and did that. The latest download version dates back to March 2009 but there has been some activity since then so I decide to go for the latest source which is also already a year and a half old but still by a whole year younger that the last official download I replaced the file and haven’t had any problem so far! We will be keeping an eye on this, but for now my hopes are high that this update might have finally helped. Happy coding!


by Oliver 17. August 2011 18:28

Lately, we encountered a problem with the speed of our search on for a certain set of search criteria. It sometimes used to take over a few seconds before the updated results were shown. This most likely seemed to be a problem with the database so I went to investigate the offending queries using the wonderful NHibernate Profiler. I found a very slow query: So I went and copied the long running query into a new query window in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio). Since we use MS SQL Express on our production servers we don’t get the advanced database tuning advisor features of the full edition. Still, when you right click on any query window you’ll see the option “Include Actual Execution Plan” … [FULL]                                      [EXPRESS] … which already offers a lot of detail, as you can see in the following screenshot: When you right click on the execution plan you’ll see the option “Missing Index Details…” - there you get a CREATE INDEX statement that is ready to use once you give a name to the new index. I did this for three indexes and now we have this for the same query: 115 ms instead of 1993 ms – that’s an improvement of 94%! Even if DB queries lasting longer than 50-60 ms are not really fast anymore, we’ve still got quite an improvement here. Well, that’s it. Using a well-priced tool like NHibernate Profiler to identify slow queries and the Execution Plan feature of SSMS, we’re able to get quite a performance improvement in a short time. Happy Coding and Optimizing, Oliver

Running a multi-lingual web application: System.IO.PathTooLongException

by Oliver 4. March 2011 15:18

We definitely have long paths on our client’s platform, for example for a concrete rating on the detail page of a campsite with a long name in a state with a long name - - but the path (everything after the .info including the ‘/’) is still only 112 characters long which is still a long way from the 260 character barrier that’s the default in ASP.NET (see the MSDN). The problem Well, the same page in Greek for example has the following URL:γερμανία/σλέσβιχ-χολστάιν-αμβούργο/campingplatz-ferien-und-campinganlage-schuldt-19573/αξιολόγηση/r23989, at least that is what we see in the browser bar. Essentially, this URL will be encoded when requesting the page from the server so it becomes a gigantic! Now the path of the URL is a whopping 310 characters long! That’s quite a bit over the limit - but even for shorter URLs the cyrillic or greek equivalents surpass the limit not as rarely as one would think once they are URL encoded. The exception you get when exceeding the default of 260 chars is: System.IO.PathTooLongException: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be lessthan 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. And this is what the error looks like in Elmah: The solution You don’t have to search long to find a solution to this problem on the web: Just make sure the httpRuntime node contains the properties maxUrlLength AND relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping like so: <httpRuntime maxUrlLength="500" relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true" /> You might wonder what the relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping property really does: you can read more on MSDN. In short, if set to true “the URL does not have to comply with Windows path rules” (MSDN). Happy coding, Oliver

Automatic deployment of an ASP.NET Web Application Project with TeamCity and MSBuild

by Oliver 21. January 2011 20:19

We recently updated one our largest project to use ASP.NET 4.0, and for this matter the new Package/Publish feature including sub-web.configs which is meant to supersede the Web Deployment Project. For a manual deployment there’s a good write-up on the msdn library titled ASP.NET Web Application Project Deployment Overview which shows how and where to set this up. In our case this was not satisfactory because our deployment process is a bit more complicated. We push our changes to a central repository and use JetBrains’ continuous integration server (CIS) TeamCity Professional, which is totally free for our project size, for a continuous integration process. Once TeamCity has pulled and tested the current version, it is supposed to deploy this version to our staging server where we further test the complete site. The key point in an automatic deployment was the management of the different web.config files for the different environments our project is running on. Unfortunately, until yesterday every deployment that included changes to the web.config file – even to the staging server - required a manual step of editing the web.config that live on our staging system (outside of source control!). What we used to do: after a successful build on our CIS we simply copied the web application (files) to our staging server! But as Scott Hanselman wrote: If You're Using XCopy, You're Doing It Wrong! This post inspired us to move along and take advantage of the new possibilities that we were given. In the meanwhile, before switching to .NET 4.0 actually, we also took a shot at the Web Deployment Project way of doing things but never actually got that far as to fully automate the deployment – somehow the setup was not as easy as we hoped. Anyway, we wanted web.config Transforms! So what does our setup look like and what did we want to do?   During local development and testing I use a web.config file that talks to a local DB instance and has some more specific settings. To run the web application on our staging server we need to replace certain values or whole sections in the web.config. For this transformation we use the sub-web.config files, one for each build configuration: Now, with all of these web.config files the simple XCOPY deployment we used to use does not work any longer. We need to trigger the web.config transformation on the build server and then deploy the whole application. As easy as this looks using the built-in menus and dialogs in Visual Studio – it took me quite a while to find how to do this in an automated build, more concretely from the command line. After unsuccessfulle skimming for a solution I finally tripped over this very informative blog post on publishing a VS2010 ASP.NET web application using MSBuild. Admittedly, the author focuses on how to publish on the local machine as it’s yet a different process but towards the end he posts the solution I was looking for: 1: msbuild Website.csproj "/p:Platform=AnyCPU;Configuration=Release;DesktopBuildPackageLocation=c:\_Publish\stage\" /t:Package This was it! After running this on my machine with my own settings I looked into the folder with the zip file and found the following 5 files: At first I just wanted to take the zip file, copy it to the staging server, unpack it – done! But then I peaked into it… and deeper… and deeper… and… still deeper… until I finally saw our application files underneath this directory: This has got to be one of the longest paths I’ve ever seen and used! How would I automate the extraction of web application files from the zip with such a path? I was already seeing myself hacking away on the command line… But wait: what about those files that appeared next to the zip file? A ci-stage.deploy.cmd and a readme.txt caught my attention – of course, I opened the cmd file first :-D Well… maybe the readme file gives me a shortcut to understanding this and the rest of the 190 lines: Looks promising! I convinced myself to give it a shot. So we set up a new configuration in TeamCity with the following settings: These settings reflect the command line from above with a few minor changes (removed the DesktopBuildPackageLocation and set the /v[erbose] switch to m[inimal]): msbuild Website.csproj "/p:Platform=AnyCPU;Configuration=Release" /t:Package /v:m The second step is to use the generated script, ci-stage.deploy.cmd. I recommend to run the script by hand once using the /T switch just to make sure everything looks alright. In our case we found out that the deployment of the package would have deleted a lot of files, most of all images, from our website. This was not what we wanted! After a quick search I found this question on MSDeploy: “Leave extra files on destination” from command line? So I added this switch to the parameters list in the build step configuration as follows: That’s it! This is all we need on the command line to generate a package that is ready for deployment on the staging server. There are a few more necessary settings, including the DesktopBuildPackageLocation, that can be found in the Package settings window inside the project properties of the web application project: the DesktopBuildPackageLocation can be set here instead of on the command line the website and application name on the destination IIS server that this package should be installed to some more options like excluding debug symbols etc. These settings are saved in the project file and will be used during generation and deployment of the package. That’s all I have to say right now. Happy Coding, Oliver

Javascript in UserControl in UpdatePanel

by Oliver 28. November 2009 15:17

Wenn man weiß, wie es geht, ist alles einfach. Aber JavaScript in UserControls innerhalb eines UpdatePanels funktionstüchtig zu bekommen hatte für mich - bis heute! - immer etwas mit Magie zu tun... Hinzu kam heute, dass ich noch Sys.UI.DomElement-Methoden nutzen wollte (aus der AJAX-Bibliothek). Folgende Versuche habe ich gemacht: 1. Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "helpful_css_" + ClientID, script, true);2. ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "helpful_" + ClientID, script, true);3. Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "helpful_css_" + ClientID, script, true);4. ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "helpful_css_" + ClientID, script, true); // <-- this is it!   Zu 1. und 3. ist zu sagen, dass sie innerhalb einen UpdatePanels nur nach dem ursprünglichen PageLoad funktionieren, nicht nach einem asynchronen Postback. Also fallen sie raus. Außerdem fallen 1. und 2. weg, weil an der Stelle, an der der hier übergebene JavaScript-Code in die Seite generiert wird, der $Sys-Namespace noch nicht definiert ist (ähnlich wie hier: Bleibt nur 4. Und 4. funktioniert sowohl nach dem initialen PageLoad als auch nach einem async Postback und man kann $Sys verwenden. Wunderbar! 1. oder 2. bleiben allerdings nützlich, wenn man Custom Javascript in die Seite einfügen will, um es weiter unten auf der Seite zu nutzen. Wahlweise kann man natürlich auch die Methode RegisterClientScriptInclude nutzen, um das Javascript in eine eigene Datei auszulagern. Soviel dazu. Oliver

32-bit DLL in 64-bit WebApp: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

by Oliver 30. October 2009 16:36

Die folgende Fehlermeldung erhielt ich heute von unserem IIS7, als ich Camping.Info starten wollte: Server Error in '/' Application. Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Cci' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Cci' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. Also das Orakel gefragt und u.a. das hier gefunden: Standardmäßig unterstützt ein 64-bittiger IIS 7 keine 32-bit-Module (u.a. DLLs). Man kann es ihm aber einfach beibringen :-) Im IIS-Manager den gewünschten ApplicationPool auswählen und in den Advanced Settings die folgende Einstellung vornehmen: Der Vollständigkeit halber hier noch ein Link zur Anleitung für den IIS6 auf Windows 2003 Server: Happy Coding! Oliver

About Oliver code blog logo I build web applications using ASP.NET and have a passion for javascript. Enjoy MVC 4 and Orchard CMS, and I do TDD whenever I can. I like clean code. Love to spend time with my wife and our children. My profile on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites

About Anton code blog logo I'm a software developer at teamaton. I code in C# and work with MVC, Orchard, SpecFlow, Coypu and NHibernate. I enjoy beach volleyball, board games and Coke.