Localization in Orchard

by Anton 17. June 2013 12:48

Our portal software is not yet localized. Our default is German, since our primary target users come from german-speaking countries. But as with Camping.Info our aim is to provide each portal site with translations into many languages. A year ago I already tested the possiblity of localization in ... [More]

Sport frei – Spartakiade 2013

by Anton 25. March 2013 15:56

Letzten Samstag fand in Berlin-Kreuzberg die zweite Spartakiade statt. Es kamen etwa 50 Interessierte zusammen, die an den Workshops teilnehmen wollten. Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Da der Architekturworkshop erst am Nachmittag anfing, schaute ich am Vormittag in DDD rein. Es dauerte eine Weile bis ... [More]

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Updating Orchard after a long time

by Anton 22. March 2013 19:18

Until today we used the CMS Orchard for our homepage. Two years ago we used Orchard version 1.2. Since than we did not update once. Today we updated to version 1.6. It is not that difficult: I updated my local version of our site (pulling from our git repository). I used the “Upgrade Site In... [More]

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Developer Open Space 2012 (Leipzig) Review

by Anton 24. October 2012 20:41

Vom 19. bis 21.10. fand das diesjährige Leipziger Developer Open Space statt. Für Softwareentwickler, wie ich einer bin, ist das .NET Open Space eine interessante (Un-)Konferenz, bei der man viele neue Ideen und Eindrücke bekommt, und mit anderen aus der Branche Erfahrungen austauschen kann. Dieses ... [More]

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Working with dynamic Model in MVC View

by Anton 26. July 2012 12:21

We are working with the Orchard Framework, which is itself build on top of MVC 3. We ran into some problems working with a dynamic Model and dynamic properties. Dynamic vs. Object We have search criteria in lists of sections which are being filled at runtime. using System.Collections.Gen... [More]

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Short Review: GitHub for Windows

by Anton 16. July 2012 00:12

Not long ago github released GitHub for Windows. They announced it on their blog, and during the past view weeks I tried it out. Design / Usability It sure looks good, and and you can use it intuitively. If you are not tech savvy, you will certainly like the user interface, compared to Git Extensi... [More]

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Developer Tools

by Anton 17. May 2012 13:50

I just started to really learn about MVC. We purchased the TekPub production http://tekpub.com/productions/mvc3. After watching the first episode, I would like to summarize the tools, which Rob Conery uses for development. Rob starts by mentioning the project management software he uses:  unfu... [More]

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JSON Import In .NET

by Anton 22. July 2011 13:37

Bantam Is Quitting Services We as teamaton were using bantam for all of our todos. At the beginning of this year bantam was bought by ConstantContact, and they announced that bantam will cease services as of July 1. Since we are developing our own todo management tool (see our blog), we decided to ... [More]

.NET Open Space 2010 (Leipzig) Review

by Anton 25. October 2010 17:59

Vom 16. bis 17.10. fand das diesjährige Leipziger .NET Open Space statt. Insgesamt fand ich es auch diese Jahr wieder gut. Ich besuchte es in meiner Freizeit, aber mein Arbeitgeber zahlte die Reisekosten. Für .NET Softwareentwickler, wie ich einer bin, ist das .NET Open Space eine interessante (Un-)... [More]

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UpdatePanels und Browser-Back-Forward-Buttons

by Anton 9. April 2010 21:12

Auf einer Seite X mit UpdatePanels konnte man via asynchronen Postbacks Veränderungen vornehmen. Andere UpdatePanels wurden so aktualisiert – zum Beispiel die Anzeige des Inhalts eines Warenkorbs. Wenn man nun aber von der Seite wegsurft und danach versucht mittels des Browser-Back-Buttons wieder zu... [More]

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About Oliver

shades-of-orange.com code blog logo I build web applications using ASP.NET and have a passion for javascript. Enjoy MVC 4 and Orchard CMS, and I do TDD whenever I can. I like clean code. Love to spend time with my wife and our children. My profile on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites

About Anton

shades-of-orange.com code blog logo I'm a software developer at teamaton. I code in C# and work with MVC, Orchard, SpecFlow, Coypu and NHibernate. I enjoy beach volleyball, board games and Coke.