by Anton
20. February 2015 15:20
Andréj und ich nehmen dieses Jahr an der Spartakiade teil. Was ist das? Die Spartakiade findet vom 21.–22. März 2015 in Berlin statt und bietet Workshops zum Mitmachen an. Bei der Spartakiade kann man sich ohne Zeitdruck ausführlich und intensiv mit einem Thema beschäftigen. Die meisten Workshops s...
by Oliver
14. January 2015 22:59
A while ago I've set up an SFTP server using the freeware freeSSHd which is relatively easy to get up and running. Initially, I created a user/password pair to log into the server. Using SSH Last week, we decided to switch to public/private SSH keys for authentication instead of the user/password ...
by Oliver
12. November 2014 13:42
This is a short overview post on OWIN, which (I quote from its homepage) […] defines a standard interface between .NET web servers and web applications. The goal of the OWIN interface is to decouple server and application, encourage the development of simple modules for .NET web development, and...
by Anton
11. November 2014 20:10
Two weeks ago Robin Sedlaczek held an introductory presentation to SignalR at the ALT.NET group in Berlin. The Framework has a pretty simple setup. After talking a little about the specifics, Robin showed us how to program a simple console application with clients and server, where both can push da...
by Anton
7. November 2014 15:47
For our new time tracking web application (which not yet live) we need the functionality to create a PDF report. Since we use AngularJS to generate the HTML for the reports, I thought it would be nice to just convert that HTML via JavaScript into a PDF. The search for a solution pointed me to jsPD...
by Oliver
3. November 2014 09:16
It's been an impressive year so far in the realms of software development and deployment, especially with ASP.NET vNEXT enabling per-application bundling of not only the .NET runtime but even the CLR needed for your app Docker standardizing the software delivery process by use of Linux cont...
by Oliver
17. October 2014 23:13
This post is one of several summarizing some of the sessions I attended during the .NET Developer Days conference in October 2014. Check out the rest of them. Here are my notes from a whole day of sessions diving deep into Visual Studio and its possibilities, lead by Kate Gregory: Window position...
by Oliver
15. October 2014 19:39
I'm currently attending the first .NET Developer Days conference in Wrocław, Poland, and will put up a few posts with my notes from some of the sessions I was able to attend. The conference took place from 14.10. to 16.10.2014 in the Wrocław Stadium. Here's a list of all posts (I'll update the ...
by Oliver
2. October 2014 18:30
Recently, we at teamaton decided to take a break from Camping.Info and discoverize to dive into something new. We wanted to breathe some fresh air, open our eyes and minds for a world outside of our day-to-day development stack of ASP.NET. During the process we also wanted to check out some tools, ...
by Oliver
20. September 2014 21:47
At teamaton we're currently developing our own Time Tracking tool that we'll be using instead of KeepTempo as soon as it's good enough. We even plan on making it accessible to the public later but that's a different story. We chose Angular.js to develop the frontend and now want to synchronize our ...