My Visual Studio 2010 Extensions and Favorite Commands

by Oliver 10. January 2013 08:58

Highlight all occurrences of selected word – by an extension by the same name (“Highlight all occurrences of selected word”) How to use: double-click on a word and see on the left margin where and how often the same word occurs in the current document. Usage frequency: often. Collapse all project... [More]

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Using @Html.CheckBox() with a dynamic value

by Oliver 19. November 2012 21:09

I’ve just spent much more time than I’d want on figuring out why the following code wouldn’t give me a checked checkbox, even when I set the ViewModel.Value to true: public class ViewModel { public string Name { get; set; } public dynamic Value { get; set; } ... [More]

Wie verschicke ich Emails an mehrere Empfänger?

by Oliver 2. November 2012 12:08

Der Ärger Heute Morgen erhielt ich eine Email, die eine Veranstaltung bewarb, von der ich weder irgendetwas zuvor gehört hatte, noch hatte ich um solche Werbung gebeten. Überraschend war deswegen für mich vor allem der Umstand, dass der Absender mich mit Vor- und Nachnamen ansprach: Nun, Herr Fr... [More]

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Developer Open Space 2012 (Leipzig) Review

by Anton 24. October 2012 20:41

Vom 19. bis 21.10. fand das diesjährige Leipziger Developer Open Space statt. Für Softwareentwickler, wie ich einer bin, ist das .NET Open Space eine interessante (Un-)Konferenz, bei der man viele neue Ideen und Eindrücke bekommt, und mit anderen aus der Branche Erfahrungen austauschen kann. Dieses ... [More]

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Welcome to BlogEngine.NET 2.7

by Admin 15. October 2012 10:00

The description is used as the meta description as well as shown in the related posts. It is recommended that you write a description, but not mandatory [More]

ASP.NET WebForms Application Event Life Cycle

by Oliver 8. October 2012 23:56

For a long time, I kept looking at the possible application events here: It’s been a valuable resource many times, but today I wanted to figure out in which order events are fired. The post actually contains an orde... [More]

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Everything has stopped working

by Oliver 5. October 2012 22:21

Everything is a great little tool I use almost every day to quickly find files or folders by (part of) their name. I have it start up automatically after login, so when I need it it instantly returns all results it finds on disk. And with instantly I really mean INSTANTLY. Ever since I’ve started us... [More]

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ASP.NET MVC Quick Reference

by Oliver 5. October 2012 22:14

_ViewStart.cshtml: applies hierarchically to all views in the same folder and all subfolders, can be nested; for more info see RenderBody, RenderPage, RenderSection: C# Razor Syntax Quick ... [More]

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Orchard Code Snippets

by Oliver 31. August 2012 14:09

This is just a small reminder to myself, so I won’t forget about those solutions once I’ll need them. Add stuff/meta tags to HTML head: @using (Script.Head()) { <meta name="desc... [More]

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Orchard Code Snippets

by Oliver 31. August 2012 14:09

This is just a small reminder to myself, so I won’t forget about those solutions once I’ll need them. Add stuff/meta tags to HTML head: @using (Script.Head()) { <meta name="desc... [More]

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About Oliver code blog logo I build web applications using ASP.NET and have a passion for javascript. Enjoy MVC 4 and Orchard CMS, and I do TDD whenever I can. I like clean code. Love to spend time with my wife and our children. My profile on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites

About Anton code blog logo I'm a software developer at teamaton. I code in C# and work with MVC, Orchard, SpecFlow, Coypu and NHibernate. I enjoy beach volleyball, board games and Coke.