by Oliver
23. May 2016 09:43

As of today, 20 May 2016, Ionic 2…
- is still in Beta status, the last update being beta 6 on 25 April 2016
- sports the Ionic View app which allows to rapidly publish new versions of your Ionic or even Cordova app to Android and iOS devices [blog post here, 6 April 2016]
- is not yet supported as target by Creator, a drag-&-drop prototyping tool for Ionic apps [blog post here, 31 March 2016]
- has Windows Universal Platform App support, besides supporting Android and iOS [blog post here, 29 March 2016]
- can be used with Angular 2 but does not necessarily have to be
- prefers TypeScript as development language and is itself written in TypeScript
A few valuable resources I stumbled upon while reading and following links:
Now, go and have fun with Ionic 2!