by Oliver
9. June 2016 20:20
In the MSBuild deployment script for our discoverize portals we use a number of useful functions from the .NET framework, e.g.: $([System.IO.File]::Exists($file)) $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($(Destination))) $([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories("$(Folder)")) $([System.DateTime]::Now.ToStr...
by Oliver
11. May 2016 12:24
How do I modify an entry in the appSettings node during deployment? We use a custom MSBuild script to deploy our discoverize portals and wanted to set a portal dependent key, namely NewRelic.AppName. So how did we do it? We use the XmlUpdate task from the MSBuild Community Tasks project. Here's the...
by Oliver
28. January 2014 21:24
This is embarrassing. For the n-th time during the past couple of years I've felt an unease waiting for our projects (read: solutions) to compile. I kept seeing this: This is MSBuild using 1 (!), yes, one!, of the 8 CPU cores I've sitting in my machine to get my work done. What about the other 7?...
by Oliver
6. September 2011 22:18
Recently, we encountered a quite surprising behavior of MSBuild – the continuous integration build of our new collaborative Todo Management app (we hope to go into beta soon!) would produce a broken version whereas the local build with VS2010 was all smooth and well. Our admin and tester already pos...